Low interest rate of only 6% per year
- For members with MBAI Protek
- Maximum loanable amount = 90% of the total Equity Fund that was accumulated through the member’s MBAI Protek monthly payment with an annual 6% interest only
- Renewable: after six (6) full monthly payments or after payment of at least 50% of existing loan
- Completed Application Form
- Service/AFPMBAI ID
- Enlistment Order/Re-enlistment Order
- Willingness to Re-enlist if ETE/Date of Discharge expires w/in 2 years
- Updated Statement of Service (Officers)
- Service Record
- Latest Payslip
- Mode of Payment:
– Direct
– Payroll (signed by the CO)
- Civilian employees:
– Certificate of Employment
– Permanent Order (Civil Service Commission)
For PAF:
- Certificate of Non-pending Case from the Provost Marshal
- Wife’s Consent
- Wife’s Government-issued ID
For PA:
- Application Form should be endorsed by CO and Finance
- DLO clearance