The Armed Forces and Police Mutual Benefit Association, Inc (AFPMBAI) proudly acknowledges the achievements of the Grants for Dependents (GRADE) scholarship program, honoring scholars who successfully completed their studies in the 2022–2023 academic year.
As the premier mutual benefits and insurance company for military and uniformed personnel (MUP), AFPMBAI takes pride in supporting the education of MUP dependents. BGen Bienvenido Y Regondola Jr PA (Ret), the CEO and President of the AFPMBAI, emphasizes the Association’s unwavering dedication to fulfilling its service obligation to the MUP and its strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. This academic year saw AFPMBAI assisting 28 secondary and 50 college-level scholars, marking the highest enrollment in the GRADE program since its establishment in 2013.
BGen Regondola notes that this year’s graduates exemplify AFPMBAI’s commitment to recognizing the sacrifices and dedication of the MUP to the nation. Notable college-level graduates include Satralyn L. Abantas, a BS in Economics graduate from Bicol University, and Jobert H. Aniasco, who earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering from Liceo De Cagayan de Oro. Among the secondary level graduates is Kiana Alexa U.Baltazar, completing the ABM strand at the Educational Institute of St. Mary.
Among this year’s batch, two scholars, Marc Eulysse Lacson and Satralyn Abantas, stand out. Lacson, whose late father MGen Mario Butch R. Lacson served in the Philippine Air Force, overcame obstacles with GRADE program support, graduating cum laude from the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. Abantas, a two-time scholarship recipient, achieved cum laude honors with a BS in Economics degree from Bicol University despite facing personal challenges as the dependent of the deceased PFC Rethar S. Abantas of the Philippine Army.
Both scholars commend the AFPMBAI’s Social Services Program Committee for continuously improving the GRADE scholarship program, addressing barriers such as limited resources and internet access. Abantas expresses gratitude for the program’s financial support, which lightened her load and allowed her more time for education and extracurricular activities.
Highlighting the importance of sustaining the GRADE program, Abantas emphasizes its role in supporting financially struggling MUP dependents, providing them with beneficial aid. AFPMBAI’s commitment to social services, exemplified through the GRADE scholarship program and other CSR initiatives, positions the Association as a financial organization dedicated to positively impacting the lives of its members.